uma vida
grandes realizações
João 11:40
Se creres verás as glória de Deus
Comunicativo, alegre e dinâmico tem influenciado uma nova geração de lideres a acreditarem no seu potencial.
Rodrigues Pereira, nascido em 1977 na cidade de Castelo Branco, Portugal. Casado com Ana Pereira. Mestre em Gestão do Desporto pela Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa e Licenciado em Teologia Aplicada pelo MEIBAD.
Você é salvo quando acredita em Jesus, mas você é transformado quando percebe que Ele acredita em você.
O que eles dizem sobre mim?
Rodrigues Pereira is a dynamic and anointed apostolic voice to Portugal and the world. He carries an ability to articulate the kingdom of God and inspire the next generation to bring Heaven to Earth now. Rodrigues walks in a spirit of true humility, honor and builds family the container for revival wherever he goes. He is a dear friend of our Bethel family and we highly endorse his ministry!

From the first time I met Rodrigues to now I am left with one over riding impression. It is passion for Jesus and the spreading of the gospel. He is a man who is passionate about many great things in life, but none compare to His dedication to Jesus. Rodriguez is a friend of many and I am honoured to call Him one of my friends.

Rodrigues is an exceptional leader and friend with a big heart for the lost. He is constantly striving that this generation learns and stays strong in the supernatural and the gifts of the spirit. I got to know him as someone who is thinking outside the box and connecting the different moves of God from evangelism to Church planting. As a mentor for many young people he is preparing the young generation for their next steps in the kingdom.

